Moon Lucky Stake Pool V.3
DoubleMoon Lucky platform ecosystem
Last updated
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DoubleMoon Lucky platform ecosystem
Last updated
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The MLS per address is unlimited.
Stake limit 50 MLS / transaction.
Unstake limit 100 MLS / transaction.
Use these tools to convert your exact timezone:
STAKE/UNSTAKE period is an hour before the winner drawing and draws a reward every 12 hrs. repeatedly.
Stake / Unstake
π Day round 10:00 - 21:00
π Night round 22:00 - 9:00
Winner Drawing
π Day round 22:00
π Night round 10:00
Draw a winner by fully random MLS no.
High risk, Highest return
1 MLS / round (single-use and lost)
We use the random algorithm from Fitness proportionate selection to random the winner of the pool.
The condition of this moon shot pool is you must have DBM at least 50,000,000,000 DBM to stake.
Fee 10% from reward
8% goes to burn DBM.
2% go to marketing address.
Fee 30% from reward
All Burn.
Fee 40% from reward
35% goes to burn LEAF
5% buyback DMC to burn.
Moon Fun MLS
Middle risk
1 MLS can stake just 3 rounds, after that the system will unstake automatically. (MLS will never lost)
coming soon...
coming soon...
Never Lost MLS
Fee charge when buy MLS, fees (same as TX fee) is going top-up to reward.
Refund is excluded fee.
Unrewarded MLS won't be collected, be keep to get a chance for the next draw.
The reward is from transaction distributed fee that lucky pool contact holding the MLS value, Lucky pool will run to receive reward 12 hours.
The staking fee will top up to reward.
Claim reward fee will deduct x%ΒΉ
from the amount of reward.
will be burn
to marketing address
is depended on token condition, please read the detail for each MLS Pool below.
2 MLS token size:
π Small : 1,000,000,000 DBM
π Big : 5,000,000,000 DBM
Fee charge in DBM
Fee 6% when buying DBM MLS, fees (same as tx fee) is going top-up to reward.
Fee is excluded when refund DBM MLS
Reward be claimed in DBM
Claim reward fee, will deduct 10% from the amount of reward.
8 % will be burned
2 % to DBM marketing address
1 MLS token size:
: 400 $DINOP
Fee be charge in $DINOP
Fee 7% when buying DINOP MLS, fees (same as tx fee) is going top-up to reward.
Fee is excluded when refund DINOP MLS
Reward be claimed in $DINOP
Claim reward fee will deduct 10% from the amount of reward.
5 % will be burned
3 % to DBM marketing address
1% buy DBM to burn
2% to DBM war chest
2 % to DINOP marketing address
(In our pipeline )